23o ΦεστιβÜλ Φολκλορικþν ΣυγκροτημÜτων ΚÝρκυρας---27/10/2022
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Privacy Policy

Management and protection of the visitor's/ user's personal data is governed by the terms of the present section, as well as by the relevant provisions of the Greek Law (Act 2472/1997 concerning the protection of the individual's personal data, supplemented by the decisions of the President of the Committee for the Protection of Personal Data, P.D. 207/1998 and 79/2000 and article 8 of Act 2819/2000) and of the European Law (Directives 95/46/EC and 97/66/EC). The present terms are set forth taking into consideration both the fast development of technology, especially of the Internet, and the existing context - even not fully developed - of legal regulations on the said issues. In this context, any eventual relevant regulation will be the object of the present section. In any case the portal preserves the right to modify the terms on the protection of personal data following notice to visitors/ users and within the existing and/ or eventual legal context. Is a visitor/ user doesn't consent to the terms of protection of their personal data provided for by the present section, then they mustn't vuse the portal's services.

The personal data which the portal gathers are the following:

E-commerce orders

For the use of the portal's e-commerce services by the visitor/ user, the following information is required: Name/ Company name - natural person's address/ company registered house - ZIP code - telephone- e-mail - fax - TIN number- fiscal service- town- country- credit card details.
The aforementioned information is required for the issue of the relevant pieces of proof (fiscal) and they are maintained in the portal's financial records. The portal may use the information concerning the kind of the purchased goods and services through e-commerce, in order to record the purchasing interests of the trading subjects and to make new offers, unless the visitor/ user of the said services doesn't allow for any such offers. The information concerning the visitor's/ user's purchasing interests cannot on any case be communicated to third parties.

Promotional activities

The visitor/ user who is interested in being advertised on the portal, wil have to fill in the following information on the relevant application form, in onder to get all the required information: Name/ Company name - Address/ Registered House - Telephone - Fax - E-mail - Contact's Name - Town - Country. The portal doesn't have any responsibility about the personal data protection policy followed by the advertised parties during their operations with visitors/ users of the said services.


The portal may use cookies to identify visitors/ users of certain services and pages of the portal (namely, newsletters). Cookies are small text files stored in the hard drive of every visitor/ user without knowing anything about any documents or files from their computer. They are used to facilitate access of the visitor/ user concerning the use of certain services provided by the portal, for statistical reasons, in order to decide which areas on the portal are the most useful or popular or for marketing purposes.
The visitor/ user of the portal can make arrangements on their serves so as to warn them about the use of cookies in certain services of the portal or to forbid acceptance of the use of cookies in all cases. In case the visitor/ user of the said services and pages of the portal doesn't wish the use of cookies for identification, they won't be able to have any further access to some of the said services (namely, electronic purchases).

Links to other sites

The portal contains links to other websites which are not controlled by the latter, but by other institutions (natural persons or entities) . In no case is the portal responsible for the Terms for the Protection of Personal Data, which they have adopted.

IP Addresses

The IP address by which the PC has access to the Internet and, consequently the portal, is only used for the collection of statistical data.

General terms for the protection of personal data

  • The portal assures the personal character of your data and may not transmit them to any third party (person or entity) for any reason, with exceptions as to the provisions of the law and to the exclusively responsible authorities. The technical staff of the portal are not considered to be a third party, regardless of the kind of the contract between the portal and the owner of the contents. This is valid even if the contract between the portal and the owner of the contents is oral or tacit. font>
  • The portal maintains archives with the personal data, which the visitor/ user sends, exclusively for contact, financial and fiscal reasons.
  • The visitor/ user can contact the section in charge in order to cross-check the existence of its personal file, its correction, modification or deletion.
  • Visitors/ users of the portal who are minor can have access to the portal's services only with their parents' or guardians' consent and they do not have to submit their personal data.
  • In case that a minor submits any such data, the portal deletes the said information.
  • The portal and particularly the marketing department may elaborate part or all of the data which you have contributed, for statistical, financial and improvement reasons of the services/ information provided.


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